When Do I Fill Out a Beneficiary Card?

You must complete a Beneficiary Card when you first start working. You may later change your beneficiary designation at any time by completing a new Beneficiary Card. You may leave a lump sum death benefit to anyone you like. However, if you leave it to a minor child who has no legal guardian, the Trustees reserve the right to delay payment until the child reaches age 18.

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Pension Fund Office,
Workers House

Tonique Williams-Darling Highway
Postal Address SS-6279
Nassau, The Bahamas

T: 242-322-5123
F: 242-322-5133

Office Hours:
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Monday to Friday

Pension Fund Office,
Workers House

Settlers Way
Postal Address F-40383
Freeport, The Bahamas

T: 242-351-7832
F: 242-351-6902

Office Hours:
9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday